SPRACU5C June 2021 – September 2023 AM2431 , AM2432 , AM2434 , AM6411 , AM6412 , AM6421 , AM6422 , AM6441 , AM6442
PORz_OUT is the Main Domain POR status output, RESETSTATz is the Main Domain warm reset status output and MCU_RESETSTATz is the MCU Domain warm reset status output.
RESETSTATz can be used to reset on-board memories or peripherals with reset functionality (eMMC, OSPI, Boot mode buffers, EPHY) or SD Card power switch. The PORz_OUT can also be used to latch the hardware strap configurations during power-up including Ethernet PHY pin-strap configurations.
Pulldown resistors are recommended for PORz_OUT and RESETSTATz outputs to assert the reset for the attached devices during power-up.
Reset status outputs when not used can be left unconnected. It is recommended to connect a test point for testing or future enhancements.