As the latency parameters are
frequency dependent, each parameter has a unique input for frequency 0 (F0),
frequency 1 (F1), and frequency 2 (F2). F0, F1, and F2 are defined by you in the
"Config" worksheet. Thus, you should set all three inputs for each latency parameter
to correspond with the appropriate value as defined in the specific DDR component
data sheet for the given frequency. For example values based on the clock frequency,
see Table 100 and Table 167 of JESD209-4D at
Additional details of each latency parameter can be found in the list below:
- Read Latency: This
parameter should be set to match the read latency of the DDR at the defined
frequency, as well as based on whether read DBI is enabled. Valid input is
defined by a drop-down list.
Note: The drop-down list for read
latency is dependent on the user input of the "Data Bus Inversion (Read)"
parameter defined in the "Config" worksheet.
- Write Latency Set: This
parameter defines the write latency set. Valid input is defined by a drop-down
list. It is recommended to keep this setting as the default of the tool.
- Write Latency: This
parameter should be set to match the write latency of the DDR at the defined
frequency, as well as based on the write latency set selected. Valid input is
defined by a drop-down list.
Note: The drop-down list for write latency is dependent on the user input of the
"Write Latency Set" parameter defined in the "DRAMTiming"
- Write Recovery: This
parameter should be set to match the write recovery time of the DDR at the
defined frequency. Valid input is defined by a drop-down list.
- ODTLon: This parameter
should be set to match the ODTLon latency of the DDR at the defined frequency,
as well as based on the write latency set selected. Valid input is defined by a
drop-down list.
Note: The
drop-down list for ODTLon is dependent on the user input of the "Write
Latency Set" parameter defined in the "DRAMTiming" worksheet.
- ODTLoff: This parameter
should be set to match the ODTLoff latency of the DDR at the defined frequency,
as well as based on the write latency set selected. Valid input is defined by a
drop-down list.
Note: The
drop-down list for ODTLoff is dependent on the user input of the "Write
Latency Set" parameter defined in the "DRAMTiming" worksheet.