SPRACV2 November 2020 AWR1843 , AWR2243
This section describes a minor aspect regarding temperature drift during factory calibrations and formation of Factory Measured Phase Shift ArrayCornerReflector,TXm (0 to 63). Even if ambient temperature is stable, if there is slight drift in the device temperature while sweeping the phase shifter setting from 0 to 63 due to self-heating, it can cause a drift in PS INL measurement for the device as the experiment progresses. If there is a significant amount of drift across phase settings, then the customer can consider repeating the 0 phase shifter setting measurement at the end during the customer factory measurements, i.e. measure the phase shifter INL for the settings 0, 1, 2, 3, …., 62, 63, 0. After deriving the phase shifter INL from the measurements, the host processor can apply a linearly increasing correction as described by the following formula, so that the phase shifter INL for 0 phase setting measurement at the end becomes 0.
Here, Factory Measured Phase Array (64) refers to the measured phase shift value when 0 phase setting is repeated at the end.
This can compensate for the impact of temperature drift while sweeping the phase shifter settings. Figure 3-6 illustrates the compensation of temperature drift impact on PS INL measurements by applying a linear correction across phase settings.