SPRAD48 July   2022 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. Introduction
  4. Summary of Changes
  5. Procedure to Apply the Changes
    1. 3.1 Do Not Skip Any of These Steps
    2. 3.2 Patch Information
  6. Build Instructions
    1. 4.1 PSDKRA Build Instructions
    2. 4.2 PSDKLA Build Instructions
  7. Demo Applications
    1. 5.1 Basic OpenVX Kernels
    2. 5.2 Capture - Display UseCase
      1. 5.2.1 Steps to Enable Demo
    3. 5.3 Single Camera VPAC Application Demo
      1. 5.3.1 Steps to Enable Demo
    4. 5.4 Multi Camera VPAC Application Demo
      1. 5.4.1 Steps to Enable Demo
  8. Run Instructions
  9. Basic Demo Applications
  10. Single Camera VPAC Application Demo
  11. Multi Camera VPAC Application Demo
  12. 10Limitations

PSDKRA Build Instructions

  1. Copy the patch RTOS_SDK8_1_tiovxChanges.patch to ${PSDKR_PATH}/tiovx to apply the patch.
    git apply RTOS_SDK8_1_tiovxChanges.patch
  2. Copy the patch RTOS_SDK8_1_visionAppsChanges.patch to ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps to apply the patch.
    git apply RTOS_SDK8_1_visionAppsChanges.patch
  3. Edit the following variables in tiovx/build_flags.mak. These flags affect both tiovx as well as vision_apps.
    Makefile Flag Valid Values (default value in bold) Description
    TIOVX_HOST_R5F yes or no "yes" to build for R5F as HOST. In case you are building with A72 as HOST, keep this to "no"
  4. Do the following to build the source code using pre-built libraries provided in the SDK installer, with "N" being the number of parallel threads.
    cd vision_apps
    make tiovx_scrub
    make vision_apps_scrub
    make tiovx -jN
    make sdk -jN
  5. The RTOS, Linux executable are stored as shown below.