SPRAD65 December   2022 TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 C7X Compiler
    2. 1.2 Operating System
    3. 1.3 Drivers
    4. 1.4 TIOVX
    5. 1.5 TIDL
    6. 1.6 Memory Segment Management
  4. 2TIDL Upgrade
    1. 2.1 RTOS SDK Changes
    2. 2.2 TIDL PC Tool Changes
    3. 2.3 Linux SDK Changes
  5. 3Demo Verify
  6. 4Summary
  7. 5References

TIDL PC Tool Changes

The 8.4 version of the PC tool relies on Open CV 4.1.0, protobuf 3.11.3, flatbuffers-1.12.0, and needs to be upgraded to the corresponding version. The specific compilation is as follows: TIDL build Instruction