SPRAD96B November   2023  – January 2024 AM62P , AM62P-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. Introduction
  4. Via Channel Arrays
  5. Width/Spacing Proposal for Escapes
  6. Stackup
  7. Via Sharing
  8. Floorplan Component Placement
  9. Critical Interfaces Impact Placement
  10. Routing Priority
  11. SerDes Interfaces
  12. 10DDR Interfaces
  13. 11Power Decoupling
  14. 12Route Lowest Priority Interfaces Last
  15. 13Summary
  16. 14Revision History

DDR Interfaces

The AM62Px supports connection to a LPDDR4 device. The DDR signals must be routed with highest priority. Refer to the DDR Routing Guidelines document for detailed recommendations for DDR routing. The images below show the BGA breakout for the DDR interface on the AM62Px Board.

The DDR SDRAM memory devices are normally arranged so that the data group balls are closest to the AM62Px device. The Package BGA ball map has been carefully planned to place the DDR address and command signals between data byte lanes 0/1 and data byte lanes 2/3.

Figure 10-1 and Figure 10-2 illustrate how to escape the DDR byte lanes 0 and 1, respectively. The use of Plated Through Hole (PTH) vias make the routing of these signals between the SoC and SDRAM possible on any layer. Likewise, the escape for DDR byte lanes 2 and 3 are shown respectively in Figure 10-3 and Figure 10-4.

GUID-B1F28A57-C9B9-4C1B-85E8-15A7DB238815-low.png Figure 10-1 DDR Byte Lane0 Escape
GUID-0E662672-9DBE-4F4F-98AB-60E74A5F585E-low.png Figure 10-2 DDR Byte Lane1 Escape
GUID-7B17C7FB-5987-43CB-8080-0A6EE6633DC0-low.png Figure 10-3 DDR Data Byte Lane 2 Escape
GUID-68F5938F-DF37-4EC1-8222-7E8297F90A9E-low.png Figure 10-4 DDR Data Byte Lane 3 Escape

The address, command, and clock signals are routed directly to the memory device.

The top and inner layers are used to escape and route the address and command signals. The traces must be length matched to ensure that the signals arrive at the memory at the same time. Length matching must be from the SoC to memory pin individually and must include the stub to the memory pad and all via lengths. Refer to the DDR Routing Guidelines document for detailed recommendations for DDR routing.

GUID-1E96642A-4D5F-42A1-88F1-109766C9DCEF-low.png Figure 10-5 DDR Address/Cmd Escape

The escapes of the address and command signals on these layers are shown in Figure 10-5.

Address signals were routed directly from the SoC to the via next to the associated pad for the memory device. This requires that the address signals escape in the correct order. It is required to have the same number of vias for each of the address and command signals. The use of Plated Through Hole (PTH) vias allows the flexibility of routing the address/cmd signals on any layer.