SPRAD98 may 2023 TMS320F280033 , TMS320F280034 , TMS320F280034-Q1 , TMS320F280036-Q1 , TMS320F280036C-Q1 , TMS320F280037 , TMS320F280037-Q1 , TMS320F280037C , TMS320F280037C-Q1 , TMS320F280038-Q1 , TMS320F280038C-Q1 , TMS320F280039 , TMS320F280039-Q1 , TMS320F280039C , TMS320F280039C-Q1
This document showed the procedures to follow to achieve a safety certified system. A clear product design and development strategy further reduces the time to market. Moreover, by properly understanding the requirements needed to make sure that the safety level is met, it is possible to reduce the total BOM by maximizing the use of internal features of the devices. Therefore, the expertise TI has on functional safety can be leveraged to a great advantage during product development.
TI offers an extensive portfolio of functional safety focused devices and resources. The TI functional safety page provides information on collateral and products to choose the best devices and increase safety-related knowledge.
Request the complete safety concept for the examples in this document from the TI sales team. The overall concept greatly simplifies the safety certification process of mobile robots and can also be used for any type of motor drives which require HFT = 0, PLd.