SPRADB0 may 2023 AM62A3 , AM62A3-Q1 , AM62A7 , AM62A7-Q1 , AM67A , AM68A , AM69A
Model selection can happen in parallel with creating a dataset. To get the most performance out of TI’s C7xMMA deep learning accelerator, every layer within the network must be supported on the C7xMMA. Non-supported layers will still work, but may require the CPU runs those layers, which reduces performance.
Models from the TI Model-Zoo all consist of supported layers. TI uses many industry standard and state-of-the-art architectures. In some cases, these architectures are slightly modified to be friendlier to acceleration; these models are referred to as ‘lite’ or ‘ti-lite’ models. Note that at this time of this writing, some otherwise-supported layers (for example, Exponential Linear Unit or ELU) were not supported on the AM62A given its recent launch. This means some models within the model-zoo were not yet supported on the AM62A for acceleration.
TI's Edge AI Cloud "Model Analyzer" is a useful tool for selecting a model. This provides a view of model performance so that developers can select a model or architecture based on metrics like performance (for example, inference speed, memory usage) and accuracy (on a standard dataset like COCO). The performance of a model is independent of the dataset it was trained on, but accuracy of a model is related to the dataset it was trained. When comparing accuracy between models, developers should make sure to only compare accuracy between models trained on the same dataset.
For the food-recognition model built for the retail-scanner demo, mobilenetv2SSD was selected. A pretrained model from TI’s model zoo was used as a starting point for transfer learning. This starting model is named “od-8020_onnxrt_coco_edgeai-mmdet_ssd_mobilenetv2_lite_512x512_20201214_model_onnx” within TI tools. There is plenty of information within the model name: