SPRADB1 September   2023 ADS127L11 , ADS127L21 , AM2434


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Implementation
  6. 3Summary
  7. 4References


The provided information gives a clear overview of the capabilities and intended usage of the Sitara™ MCU+ and MPU processors in this application note:

  • Integrated Flexible ADC Interface: Sitara™ MCU+ and MPU processors offer a programmable multi-channel SPI ADC interface via PRU-ICSS, which are versatile and adaptable in interfacing with external ADCs.
  • 4-Channel ADC Sampling: The application note demonstrates the ability to capture data from four ADC channels concurrently. This synchronous sampling allows for synchronized acquisition of data from multiple sources, crucial in various sensor-based applications.
  • Edge Processing and FFT: Following data capture, the processors are programmed to execute edge processing tasks, which can include data preprocessing or other initial calculations. Furthermore, the processors are capable of performing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) computations on the acquired data. FFT is instrumental in transforming data from the time domain to the frequency domain, enabling advanced signal analysis and pattern recognition.
  • Data Transmission via MQTT: The application showcases the capability to transmit the processed data to a gateway or cloud-based service using the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol. This allows for efficient and reliable data communication, often employed in IoT (Internet of Things) and sensor data monitoring applications.

In summary, this example illustrates how the Sitara™ MCU+ and MPU processors can be employed for advanced data acquisition, processing, and transmission tasks, making them appropriate for a wide range of applications requiring real-time data analysis and connectivity with external systems or the cloud.