SPRADC9 july 2023 AM62A1-Q1 , AM62A3 , AM62A7
The power consumption of the AM62A SoC while running the defect detection demo can be estimated using the Power Estimation Tool (PET). This tool is built based on measured and simulated data. Most of the measured data are collected from bare-metal tests with no operating system. The tool estimates power based on clock frequency and utilization of the various components of the AM62A in addition to other factors such as the expected temperature. The cores utilization data presented in the previous section is used to estimate the power consumption of the entire system.
Table 5-2 lists the estimated power for the AM62A running defect detection demo with a summary of the important core utilization used for the power estimation. The PET estimates a total of 1.43 W consumed by the AM62A based on the core utilization for the defect detection application.
Main IP | Core Loading Utilization/Power |
ARM A-53 | 39 [%] at 1.25 [GHz] |
Deep Learning C7x/MMA | 22 [%] at 850 [MHz] |
DDR BW | 22 [%] |
VPAC (ISP) | 20 [%] |
Power Consumption Est using PET at 85°C Core Voltage at 0.75 V |
1435 [mW] |