SPRADE7 November   2023 AM62A1-Q1 , AM62A3 , AM62A3-Q1 , AM62A7 , AM62A7-Q1 , AM62P-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2AM62A Processor
  6. 3AM62A Video Processing Unit (VPU) Capability
  7. 4AM62A JPEG Encode Capability
    1. 4.1 Open Source GStreamer Overview
    2. 4.2 TI-Provided V4L2 Drivers for Multimedia
    3. 4.3 Hardware-Accelerated GStreamer Plugins
  8. 5Software Driver Architecture
  9. 6Performance Measurements
  10. 7Multimedia Use Cases
    1. 7.1 Smart AI Box
    2. 7.2 Surveillance
  11. 8Summary
  12. 9References

AM62A Processor

The AM62A Edge AI Microprocessor is shown in Figure 2-1. AM62A Simplified Block Diagram, is a heterogeneous processor designed for analytics applications. There are different hardware accelerators optimized for different tasks thus enabling an optimized power and cost footprint for different vision and multimedia applications

GUID-20231120-SS0I-VB42-KN9Z-J6MHKVXLBD5L-low.svg Figure 2-1 AM62A Simplified Block Diagram

The main processing and compute subsystems from a multimedia context in AM62A are as follows:

  • Quad-A53 ARM cores: These can run up to 1.4 GHz and provide up to 16.8k Dhrystone Million Instructions Per Second (DMIPS) of performance.
  • C7 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and Matrix Multiplication Accelerator (MMA): TI’s deep learning accelerator on AM62A is capable of two TOPs operations when clocked at 1 GHz.
  • H.264/265 Encoder and Decoder: This has a total encode/decode measured capability of 240MP/s and can support up to 32 channels concurrently.
  • MJPEG Encoder: This has a measured encode capability of 416MP/s and can easily support 4K30 applications.
  • Vision Processing Accelerator (VPAC3L): The latest generation in TI ISP technology for performing image operations some examples of which are color conversions, chromatic aberration correction, pyramid scaling and lens distortion correction. It has a total throughput of up to 300MP/s with support for RGBIR cameras.