SPRADH3 September   2024 UCC5880-Q1 , UCC5881-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2Traction Inverter System Requirements
    1. 2.1 Gate drivers
    2. 2.2 Microcontroller
  5. 3High-Power Test
    1. 3.1 Test Results
  6. 4Next Generation of Microcontrollers
  7. 5Conclusion
  8. 6Terminology
  9. 7Resources


The TIDM-02014 is a 300kW, 800V Traction inverter reference design developed by Texas Instruments in a collaboration with Wolfspeed. Gate driver, control board and control cards developed by Texas Instruments are combined with Wolfspeed's XM3 power modules to have a high-performance traction inverter system. This inverter can be controlled with two different MCUs, the AM263P and the TMS320F280039C. Design files, technical documentations and the software packages are available at TI.com. The TIDM-02014 reference design is shown in Figure 1-1.

TIDM-02014 TIDM-02014 Figure 1-1 TIDM-02014