SPRADJ1A June 2024 – August 2024 TMS320F280021 , TMS320F280023 , TMS320F280023C , TMS320F280025 , TMS320F280025C , TMS320F280033 , TMS320F280034 , TMS320F280037 , TMS320F280037C , TMS320F280039 , TMS320F280039C , TMS320F280041 , TMS320F280041C , TMS320F280045 , TMS320F280049 , TMS320F280049C , TMS320F28075 , TMS320F28076 , TMS320F28374D , TMS320F28374S , TMS320F28375D , TMS320F28375S , TMS320F28376D , TMS320F28376S , TMS320F28377D , TMS320F28377S , TMS320F28378D , TMS320F28378S , TMS320F28379D , TMS320F28379S , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P650DH , TMS320F28P650DK , TMS320F28P650SH , TMS320F28P650SK
In HHC LLC control, the control object is the voltage variation on the resonant capacitor in a half switching cycle, and since normally the digital controller is placed in the secondary side, the VCR signal is required to be sensed across reinforced isolation. In the reference design PMP41081, it is implemented by a current sense transformer (CST) and an amplifier, as shown in Figure 5-1
The VCR signal is regenerated by integrating the CST current on a capacitor Cs. And, only the AC part of the resonant voltage is obtained, because the resonant current only includes the AC component. In other words, any DC offset or low frequency ripple across the resonant capacitor is ignored.
Besides, the operation amplifier is used to convert the differential voltage into single end with customized gains. The recommendation is to add another current sensing resistor, which is used for the resonant current for the system protection.
Before designing the VCR sensing circuits parameters, the requirement is to understand the LLC operation condition with the maximum VCR voltage amplitude, which generally refers to the minimum switching frequency with the minimum input voltage and maximum load current. This can be done either by a simulation, or an open loop testing based on the actual power stage.
We then need to select the sensing capacitor, to make sure the CST is operated far to be saturated. Based on the CST turn ratio and volt-time parameters in the data sheet, the limitation for sensing capacitor value is calculated with the following equation.
After selecting the sensing capacitor, the differential sensing gain for the amplifier KOPA can be decided by matching the maximum VCR sensing voltage to 2.0V in this design, which is limited by the ADC range of controller. Considering the stability of normal amplifiers, the recommendation is to design the differential sensing gain larger than 1.
In summary, the VCR sensing parameters can be designed with below process: