SPRADO2 November 2024 AM62A3 , AM62A3-Q1 , AM62A7 , AM62A7-Q1
When USB0 and USB1 are not used or USB0 or USB1 is not used, the interface signals and the USB supplies have specific connectivity requirements.
For connecting the interface signals and USB supply pins, see the Pin Connectivity Requirements section of the device-specific data sheet.
The recommendation is to connect the USB supplies (VDDA_CORE_USB, VDDA_1P8_USB, and VDDA_3P3_USB) to VSS through separate 0Ω resistors.
In case USB0 or USB1 are used for future expansion, connect the signals (USBn_DM, USBn_DP, USBn_RCALIB and USBn_VBUS) with the shortest possible traces and connect at test points or connectors. Additionally, recommendation is to provide provision to connect the required USB supplies.