SPRSP63B October 2022 – November 2023 TMS320F2800132 , TMS320F2800133 , TMS320F2800135 , TMS320F2800137
1-kW reference design with CCM totem pole PFC and current-mode LLC realized by C2000™ and GaN
This reference design demonstrates a hybrid hysteresis control (HHC) method, a kind of current-mode control method on half-bridge LLC stage with a C2000™ F28004x microcontroller. The hardware is based on TIDA-010062, which is 1-kW, 80-Plus titanium, GaN CCM totem pole bridgeless PFC and half-bridge LLC reference design. A separate sensing card is added for hybrid hysteresis control, which recreates the voltage on the resonant capacitor. This HHC LLC stage shows better transient response and ease-of-control loop design compared with the single-loop voltage-mode control method (VMC).
PMP41081 1-kW, 12-V HHC LLC reference design using C2000™ real-time microcontroller
This reference design is a 1-kW, 400-V to 12-V half-bridge resonant DC/DC platform used to evaluate the load transient performance of hybrid-hysteretic control (HHC) with a C2000™ microcontroller.
3-kW phase-shifted full bridge with active clamp reference design with > 270-W/in3 power density
This reference design is a GaN-based 3-kW phase-shifted full bridge (PSFB) targeting maximum power density. The design has an active clamp to minimize voltage stress on the secondary synchronous rectifier MOSFETs enabling use of lower voltage-rating MOSFETs with better figure-of-merit (FoM). PMP23126 uses our 30mΩ GaN on the primary side and silicon MOSFETs on the secondary side. The LMG3522 top-side cooled GaN with integrated driver and protection enables higher efficiency by maintaining ZVS over a wider range of operation compared to Si MOSFET. The PSFB operates at 100 kHz and achieves a peak efficiency of 97.74%.
PMP41017 3kW two-phase interleaved half-bridge LLC reference design with GaN and C2000™ MCU
This reference design is a 3-kW, two-phase, interleaved half-bridge inductor-inductor-capacitor (LLC) using the LMG3422 and C2000™ devices.
Digitally Controlled High Efficiency and High Power Density PFC Circuits - Part 2
This presentation will introduce two bridgeless PFC designs using C2000 MCU. TI high voltage GaN is used to implement a 3.3kW interleaved CCM totem-pole PFC and a 1.6kW interleaved TRM totem-pole PFC designs. Detailed design considerations are provided to minimize switching loss, current crossover distortion, input current THD and improve efficiency and PF.
TIDA-010203 High efficiency PFC stage using GaN and C2000™ Real-time control MCUs
GaN power FETs and C2000™ MCUs enable a totem-pole Power Factor Correction (PFC) topology, eliminating bridge rectifier power losses.
TIDA-010062 1-kW, 80 Plus titanium, GaN CCM totem pole bridgeless PFC and half-bridge LLC reference design
This reference design is a digitally controlled, compact 1-kW AC/DC power supply design for server power supply unit (PSU) and telecom rectifier applications. The highly efficient design supports two main power stages, including a front-end continuous conduction mode (CCM) totem-pole bridgeless power factor correction (PFC) stage. The PFC stage features an LMG341x GaN FET with integrated driver to provide enhanced efficiency across a wide load range and meet 80-plus titanium requirements. The design also supports a half-bridge LLC isolated DC/DC stage to achieve a +12-V DC output at 1-kW. Two control cards use C2000™ Entry-Performance MCUs to control both power stages.
TIDA-010203 4-kW single-phase totem pole PFC reference design with C2000 and GaN
This reference design is a 4-kW CCM totem-pole PFC with a F280049/F280025 control card and an LMG342x
EVM board. This design demonstrates a robust PFC solution, which avoids isolated current sense by putting
the controller's ground in the middle of a MOSFET leg. Benefitting from non-isolation, AC current sense can be
implemented by high-speed amplifier OPA607, helping to realize reliable overcurrent protection. In this design,
efficiency, thermal image, AC drop, lighting surge, and EMI CE are fully validated. With completed test data, this
reference design shows the maturity of totem-pole PFC with C2000 and GaN, and is a good study platform for
high-efficiency products' PFC stage design.
TIDM-1001 Two Phase Interleaved LLC Resonant Converter Reference Design Using C2000™ MCUs
Resonant converters are popular DC-DC converters frequently used in server, telecom, automotive, industrial,
and other power supply applications. Their high performance (efficiency, power density, etc.), improving
requirements of the various industry standards, and the ever-increasing power density goals have made these
converters a good choice for medium- to high-power applications.
This design implements a digitally controlled 500-W two-phase interleaved LLC resonant converter. The system
is controlled by a single C2000™ microcontroller (MCU), TMS320F280025C, which also generates PWM
waveforms for all power electronic switching devices under all operating modes. This design implements a
novel current-sharing technique to accurately achieve current-balancing between phases.
TIDM-1007 Interleaved CCM Totem Pole PFC Reference Design
This video covers the hardware aspects, the control aspects, and the software design that are required to control
a totem-pole PFC using a C2000 microcontroller. The test results achieved on this reference design are also
presented as part of this presentation.
Variable-frequency, ZVS, 5-kW, GaN-based, two-phase totem-pole PFC reference design
This reference design is a high-density and high-efficiency 5-kW totem-pole power factor correction (PFC) design. The design uses a two-phase totem-pole PFC operating with variable frequency and zero voltage switching (ZVS). The control uses a new topology and improved triangular current mode (iTCM) to achieve both small size and high efficiency. The design uses a high performance processing core inside a TMS320F280049C microcontroller to maintain efficiency over a wide operating range. The PFC operates with variable frequency between 100 kHz and 800 kHz. A peak system efficiency of 99% was achieved with an open-frame power density of 120 W/in3.