SPRT759A October   2023  – June 2024 F29H850TU , TMS320F280021 , TMS320F280021-Q1 , TMS320F280023 , TMS320F280023-Q1 , TMS320F280023C , TMS320F280025 , TMS320F280025-Q1 , TMS320F280025C , TMS320F280025C-Q1 , TMS320F280033 , TMS320F280034 , TMS320F280034-Q1 , TMS320F280036-Q1 , TMS320F280036C-Q1 , TMS320F280037 , TMS320F280037-Q1 , TMS320F280037C , TMS320F280037C-Q1 , TMS320F280038-Q1 , TMS320F280038C-Q1 , TMS320F280039 , TMS320F280039-Q1 , TMS320F280039C , TMS320F280039C-Q1 , TMS320F280040-Q1 , TMS320F280040C-Q1 , TMS320F280041 , TMS320F280041-Q1 , TMS320F280041C , TMS320F280041C-Q1 , TMS320F280045 , TMS320F280048-Q1 , TMS320F280048C-Q1 , TMS320F280049 , TMS320F280049-Q1 , TMS320F280049C , TMS320F280049C-Q1 , TMS320F28075 , TMS320F28075-Q1 , TMS320F28076 , TMS320F28374D , TMS320F28374S , TMS320F28375D , TMS320F28375S , TMS320F28375S-Q1 , TMS320F28376D , TMS320F28376S , TMS320F28377D , TMS320F28377D-EP , TMS320F28377D-Q1 , TMS320F28377S , TMS320F28377S-Q1 , TMS320F28378D , TMS320F28378S , TMS320F28379D , TMS320F28379D-Q1 , TMS320F28379S , TMS320F28384D , TMS320F28384D-Q1 , TMS320F28384S , TMS320F28384S-Q1 , TMS320F28386D , TMS320F28386D-Q1 , TMS320F28386S , TMS320F28386S-Q1 , TMS320F28388D , TMS320F28388S , TMS320F28P650DH , TMS320F28P650DK , TMS320F28P650SH , TMS320F28P650SK , TMS320F28P659DH-Q1 , TMS320F28P659DK-Q1 , TMS320F28P659SH-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4.   Introduction
  5.   Overview of IEC 60730 and UL 1998 Classifications
    1.     C2000 Capability by Device Family
  6.   C2000 Safety Collateral
    1.     Getting Started
    2.     Functional Safety Manuals
    3.     Software Collateral
  7.   Implementing Acceptable Measures on C2000 Real-Time MCUs
    1.     Implementation Steps
    2.     Example Mapping
    3.     Additional Best Practices
  8.   Mapping Acceptable Control Measures to C2000 Unique Identifiers
    1.     Unique Identifier Reference
    2.     CPU Related Faults
    3.     Interrupt Related Faults
    4.     Clock Related Faults
    5.     Memory Related Faults
    6.     Internal Data Path Faults
    7.     Input/Output Related Faults
    8.     Communication, Monitoring Devices, and Custom Chip Faults
  9.   Glossary
  10.   References

Getting Started

To become familiar with C2000 functional safety capabilities the following documents are recommended:

The next level of collateral is further discussed in this chapter:

  • Functional Safety Manuals (FSMs): comprehensive, device-specific, functional-safety related documentation.
  • Diagnostic and self-test software collateral.

Additionally, the following collateral is useful for further information on the C2000 Software Diagnostic Library:

Note: The F2806x, F2803x, F2805x, F2802x, F2833x and F2823x C2000 families are not included in this document. For these devices, see the Safety Manual for C2000 MCUs in IEC60730 Safety Applications User's Guide.