SPRU513Z August 2001 – October 2023 SM320F28335-EP
The C28x target with FPU/VCU support has a mix of protected and unprotected pipeline instructions. This necessitates some checks in the compiler and assembler that are not necessary for a C28x target without such support.
By design, a (non-FPU) C28x instruction does not read/write an operand until all previous instructions have finished writing that operand. The hardware stalls until this condition is true. As hardware stalls are employed to preserve operand integrity, the compiler and assembler need not keep track of register reads and writes by instructions in the pipeline. Thus, the C28x instructions are pipeline protected, meaning that an instruction will not attempt to read/write a register while that register is still being written by another instruction.
The situation is different when FPU support is enabled. While the non-FPU instructions are pipeline protected, the FPU instructions aren't. This implies that an FPU instruction could attempt to read/write a register while it is still being written by a previous instruction. This can cause undefined behavior, and the compiler and assembler need to protect against such conflicting register accesses. The same is true for VCU instructions.