SPRU514Z July 2001 – October 2023 SM320F28335-EP
The --gen_preprocessor_listing option generates a raw listing file that can help you understand how the compiler is preprocessing your source file. Whereas the preprocessed listing file (generated with the --preproc_only, --preproc_with_comment, --preproc_with_line, and --preproc_dependency preprocessor options) shows a preprocessed version of your source file, a raw listing file provides a comparison between the original source line and the preprocessed output. The raw listing file has the same name as the corresponding source file with an .rl extension.
The raw listing file contains the following information:
Each source line in the raw listing file begins with one of the identifiers listed in Table 2-30.
Identifier | Definition |
N | Normal line of source |
X | Expanded line of source. It appears immediately following the normal line of source if nontrivial preprocessing occurs. |
S | Skipped source line (false #if clause) |
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