SPRUHM8K December 2013 – May 2024 TMS320F28374D , TMS320F28375D , TMS320F28376D , TMS320F28377D , TMS320F28377D-EP , TMS320F28377D-Q1 , TMS320F28378D , TMS320F28379D , TMS320F28379D-Q1
START and STOP conditions can be generated by the I2C module when the module is configured to be a master on the I2C bus. As shown in Figure 20-8:
After a START condition and before a subsequent STOP condition, the I2C bus is considered busy, and the bus busy (BB) bit of I2CSTR is 1. Between a STOP condition and the next START condition, the bus is considered free, and BB is 0.
For the I2C module to start a data transfer with a START condition, the master mode bit (MST) and the START condition bit (STT) in I2CMDR must both be 1. For the I2C module to end a data transfer with a STOP condition, the STOP condition bit (STP) must be set to 1. When the BB bit is set to 1 and the STT bit is set to 1, a repeated START condition is generated. For a description of I2CMDR and the bits (including MST, STT, and STP), see Section 20.7.
The I2C peripheral cannot detect a START or STOP condition while in reset (IRS = 0). The BB bit remains in the cleared state (BB = 0) while the I2C peripheral is in reset (IRS = 0). When the I2C peripheral is taken out of reset (IRS set to 1), the BB bit does not correctly reflect the I2C bus status until a START or STOP condition is detected.
Follow these steps before initiating the first data transfer with I2C:
Not resetting the I2C peripheral in between transfers makes sure that the BB bit reflects the actual bus status. If users must reset the I2C peripheral in between transfers, repeat steps 1 through 3 every time the I2C peripheral is taken out of reset.