SPRUHX5I August 2014 – May 2024 TMS320F28374S , TMS320F28375S , TMS320F28375S-Q1 , TMS320F28376S , TMS320F28377S , TMS320F28377S-Q1 , TMS320F28378S , TMS320F28379S
Move 16-Bit Floating-Point Register Contents to Memory
mem16 | 16-bit destination memory accessed using one of the available addressing modes |
MRa | CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3) |
LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm
MSW: 0111 0101 11aa addr
Move 16-bit value from the lower 16-bits of the floating-point register (MRa(15:0)) to the location pointed to by mem16.
[mem16] = MRa(15:0);
No flags MSTF flags are affected.
Flag | TF | ZF | NF | LUF | LVF |
Modified | No | No | No | No | No |
This is a single-cycle instruction.
; This task logs the last NUM_DATA_POINTS
; ADCRESULT1 values in the array VoltageCLA
; When the last element in the array has been
; filled, the task goes back to the
; the first element.
; Before starting the ADC conversions, force
; Task 8 to initialize the ConversionCount to zero
; The ADC is set to sample (acquire) for 15 SYSCLK cycles
; or 75ns. After the capacitor has captured the analog
; value, the ADC triggers this task early.
; It takes 10.5 ADCCLKs to complete a conversion,
; the ADCCLK being SYSCLK/4
; T_sys = 1/200MHz = 5ns
; T_adc = 4*T_sys = 20ns
; The ADC takes 10.5 * 4 or 42 SYSCLK cycles to complete
; a conversion. The ADC result register can be read on the
; 36th instruction after the task begins.
.asg 0, N
;I1 - I28 Wait till I36 to read result
.eval N + 1, N
.break N = 28
MMOVZ16 MR0, @_ConversionCount ;I29 Current Conversion
MMOV16 MAR1, MR0, #_VoltageCLA ;I30 Next array location
MUI16TOF32 MR0, MR0 ;I31 Convert count to float32
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #1.0 ;I32 Add 1 to conversion count
MCMPF32 MR0, #NUM_DATA_POINTS.0 ;I33 Compare count to max
MF32TOUI16 MR0, MR0 ;I34 Convert count to Uint16
MNOP ;I35 Wait till I36 to read result
MMOVZ16 MR2, @_AdcaResultRegs.ADCRESULT1 ;I36 Read ADCRESULT1
MBCNDD _RestartCount, GEQ ; If count >= NUM_DATA_POINTS
MMOVIZ MR1, #0.0 ; Always executed: MR1=0
MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR0 ; If branch not taken
MSTOP ; store current count
MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR1 ; If branch taken, restart count
MSTOP ; end of task
; This task initializes the ConversionCount
; to zero
MMOVIZ MR0, #0.0
MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR0