SPRUHX5I August 2014 – May 2024 TMS320F28374S , TMS320F28375S , TMS320F28375S-Q1 , TMS320F28376S , TMS320F28377S , TMS320F28377S-Q1 , TMS320F28378S , TMS320F28379S
When multiple control loops are running asynchronously on the same ADC, there is a chance that an ADC request from two or more loops collide, causing one of the samples to be delayed. This shows up as a measurement error in the system. By knowing when this delay occurs and the amount of delay that has occurred, software can employ extrapolation techniques to reduce the error.
To this effect, each PPB has the field DLYSTAMP in the ADCPPBxSTAMP register. This field contains the number of SYSCLK cycles between when the associate SOC was triggered and when the SOC began converting.
This is achieved by having a global 12-bit free running counter based off of SYSCLK, which is in the field FREECOUNT in the ADCCOUNTER register. When the trigger for the associated SOC arrives, the value of this counter is loaded into the bit field ADCPPBxTRIPLO.REQSTAMP. When the actual sample window for that SOC begins, the value in REQSTAMP is subtracted from the current FREECOUNT value and stored in DLYSTAMP.
If more than 4096 SYSCLK cycles elapse between the SOC trigger and the actual start of the SOC acquisition, the FREECOUNT register can overflow more than once, leading to incorrect DLYSTAMP value. Be cautious when using very slow conversions to prevent this from happening.
The sample delay capture does not function, if the associated SOC is triggered using software. The sample delay capture, however, correctly records the delay, if the software triggering of a different SOC causes the SOC associated with the PPB to be delayed