SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
A channel is an abort candidate if it is software-synchronized, hardware-destination-synchronized, solid color-fill, transparent-color fill, or hardware-source-synchronized with DMA4_CCRi[25] BUFFERING_DISABLE = 1.
A channel is an abort candidate if it is disabled (DMA4_CCRi[7] ENABLE = 0), if it receives a transaction error on the read or write port, or if there is a MISALIGNMENT_ERROR.
If an abort trigger occurs, the channel aborts immediately after completion of current read/write transactions and then the FIFO is cleaned up.
In type 1, 2, or 3, if an abort trigger or drain trigger occurs during the descriptor load phase, the channel aborts.