SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
The conversion between the different color spaces requires addition and multiplication operations on color and intensity components. The mathematical expression of the conversion can be written as:
Y = A0*R + B0*G + C0*B + D0
Cb = A1*R + B1*G + C1*B + D1
Cr = A2*R + B2*G + C2*B + D2
Color space coeficients are set through the following registers:
Using YUV to RGB conversion as an example: YUV represents one color space and RGB represents another color space. The conversion can be written in the matrix format shown in Figure 9-70.
Since HDTV and SDTV have different conversion requirements, both conversions of RGB-to-YCbCr and YCbCr-to-RGB are described. The details of derivations of these matrixes will be given in the following subsections.