The on-chip debug support has the following features:
- Multiprocessor debugging lets users control multiple CPU cores embedded in the device, such as:
- Global starting and stopping of individual or multiple processors
- Each processor can generate triggers that can be used to alter the execution flow of other processors
- System clocking and power down
- Interconnection of multiple devices
- Channel triggering
- Target debugging, using IEEE1149.1 (JTAG®)
- Reduction of power consumption in normal operating mode
The debug subsystem includes:
- Generic TAP for emulation and test control (
- Debug access port (DAP)
- Embedded Trace Macro (ETM)
- Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU)
- Embedded Trace Buffer (ETM)
- Emulation Pin Manager (EPM)
- Cross triggering (XTRIG)
The debug subsystem provides also:
- ICEMelter, for controlling the wake-up and power-down of the emulation power domain
- L3_INSTR CORE instrumentation interconnect
- OCP watch-point (OCP-WP), for monitoring L3 interconnect transaction when target transaction attributes match the user-defined attributes or trigger on external debug event
- Power-management events profiler (PM instrumentation)
- Clock-management events profiler (CM instrumentation)
- Statistics collector (performance probes)