SPRUID8D September 2020 – January 2022 TMS320F280040-Q1 , TMS320F280040C-Q1 , TMS320F280041 , TMS320F280041-Q1 , TMS320F280041C , TMS320F280041C-Q1 , TMS320F280045 , TMS320F280048-Q1 , TMS320F280048C-Q1 , TMS320F280049 , TMS320F280049-Q1 , TMS320F280049C , TMS320F280049C-Q1
PMBus module supports detection of data corruption during transfer using Packet Error Check (PEC) value feature. When this feature is enabled, it forces the PMBus transmitter interface to append a PEC byte onto the end of the message. Receiver hardware checks the last byte in a message for a valid Packet Error Check value corresponding to the number of bytes in the message.