SPRUIM2H May 2020 – October 2023 AM2431 , AM2432 , AM2434 , AM6411 , AM6412 , AM6421 , AM6422 , AM6441 , AM6442
Read Data Capturing by the PHY module is useful, as the user is not responsible for the design dedicated DLL being compatible with the Octal-SPI Flash Controller. Another benefit is an option to adjust both SPI clock and sampling clock in a very wide range to fit them into individual requirements of any system. If loopback clock (OSPI_RD_DATA_CAPTURE_REG[0] BYPASS_FLD) and PHY mode (OSPI_CONFIG_REG[3] PHY_MODE_ENABLE_FLD) are both enabled, the loopback clock is driven into RX DLL instead of gated reference clock. Because of the architecture of DLL, loopback clock needs to be provided in SPI Mode 0. If DQS (OSPI_RD_DATA_CAPTURE_REG[8] DQS_ENABLE_FLD) and PHY mode (OSPI_CONFIG_REG[3] PHY_MODE_ENABLE_FLD) are both enabled, the DQS is driven into RX DLL instead of gated reference clock.