SPRUIR8B april 2020 – july 2023
This section includes a brief explanation for the different trace signals that are created in the "CLB.vcd" file. Note that some signals or groups are not available depending on the type of CLB available on the device for which the simulation is created.
Trace Signal Name | Description |
sc_top_clock | Clock signal of the CLB |
sc_top_reset | Reset for the CLB |
sc_top_enable | CLB enable signal; used to enable the CLB submodules |
Trace Signal Name | Description |
TILE#_AOC_N_clb_output | Output from the AOC submodule |
TILE#_AOC_N_mux_ctrl [15:0] | AOC mux control value; value is in the same format as the CLB_OUTPUT_COND_CTRL_N register |
TILE#_AOC_N_release_signal | Release signal; determines when the CLB output is set, cleared, or delayed depending on the release option chosen in TILE#_AOC_N_mux_ctrl (default release signal does not alter CLB output) |
TILE#_AOC_N_gate_signal | Gate signal; this signal is logically combined with the CLB output using an AND, OR, or XOR depending on the selection chosen in TILE#_AOC_N_mux_ctrl (default gate signal does not alter output) |
TILE#_AOC_N_mux_input_clb_tile_output | CLB output signal corresponding to the same AOC number of the signal; i.e. CLB output 0 is an input option for AOC 0 |
TILE#_AOC_N_mux_input_boundary_input | CLB boundary input signal corresponding to the same AOC number of the signal; i.e. CLB boundary input 0 is an input option for AOC 0 |
Trace Signal Name | Description |
TILE#_BOUNDARY_CLB_outputN | CLB boundary output signal; this signal is routed out of the CLB peripheral to the rest of the device; this signal has passed through the AOC submodule if the device has this type of CLB (check the CLB Tile section in the device technical reference manual for more details) |
TILE#_BOUNDARY_muxed_and_filtered_inputN | Input to the CLB module after passing through any synchronization, input pipeline filters, or edge filters enabled |
TILE#_BOUNDARY_inputN_ctrl [31:0] | Control value for enabling synchronization, input pipeline filters, or edge filters |
TILE#_BOUNDARY_original_inputN | Input to the CLB module before any modification such as synchronization, pipelining, or edge filtering |
TILE#_BOUNDARY_clock | Clock signal of the CLB |
Trace Signal Name | Description |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_reconfig_pipeline_en | Enable for reconfigurable pipelining which pipelines the operations of the HLC and counter submodules (this is not the same enable as the pipeline input filter enable) |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_counter_equals_match2 | This signal is high when the counter value equals the match reference 2 value; if the match reference 2 tap output is enabled for serializer mode, this signal is high when the counter bit position selected is high |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_counter_equals_match1 | This signal is high when the counter value equals the match reference 1 value; if the match reference 1 tap output is enabled for serializer mode, this signal is high when the counter bit position selected is high |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_counter_equals_zero | This signal is high when the counter value equals zero |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_match2_val [31:0] | Value of the match reference 2 value; can be modified by the HLC |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_match1_val [31:0] | Value of the match reference 1 value; can be modified by the HLC |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_counter_output [31:0] | Value of the counter itself |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_hlc_match2_load_en | Load enable which determines when to load the match reference 2 value from the HLC submodule; this matches the TILE#_HLC_hlc_counterX_match2_load_en signal |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_hlc_match1_load_en | Load enable which determines when to load the match reference 1 value from the HLC submodule; this matches the TILE#_HLC_hlc_counterX_match1_load_en signal |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_hlc_counter_load_en | Load enable which determines when to load the counter with a value from the HLC submodule; this matches the TILE#_HLC_hlc_counterX_load_en signal |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_hlc_counter_load_val [31:0] | Counter value loaded from the HLC submodule; this value is loaded to the match reference 1, match reference 2, or counter value depending on if the appropriate HLC load enable is set (i.e. depending on what instruction is being executed by the HLC). This matches the TILE#_HLC_counter_hlc_load_value signal |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_match2_tap [4:0] | Specifies which bit of the counter to tap for match reference 2 |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_match2_tap_en | Enable which allows the counter to tap a bit specified by TILE#_COUNTER_X_match2_tap; TILE#_COUNTER_X_counter_equals_match2 is high when the appropriate tap bit is set, which effectively brings out a bit position from the counter to the match reference 2 output |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_match1_tap [4:0] | Specifies which bit of the counter to tap for match reference 1 |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_match1_tap_en | Enable which allows the counter to tap a bit specified by TILE#_COUNTER_X_match1_tap; TILE#_COUNTER_X_counter_equals_match1 is high when the appropriate tap bit is set, which effectively brings out a bit position from the counter to the match reference 2 output |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_lfsr_en | Enable for the Linear Feedback Shift Register; this allows the counter submodule to compute the CRC on a serial bit stream |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_global_serializer_en | Enable for the serializer; when enabled, the counter loads either the next LFSR serial value or the appropriate serial value (see the device technical reference manual for more details) |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_mode1 | Controls the direction of the counter; counts up when set to 1, counts down when set to 0 |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_mode0 | Controls whether the counter is stopped; enables counting when set to 1 |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_global_reset | Reset for the CLB |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_add_or_shift_dir | When the counter event is enabled and not configured for a load event, this signal is high when the event adds or shifts the counter value left and is set 0 otherwise |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_add_or_shift_on_event_en | This signal is set high if the counter is configured to add or shift when an event occurs and is set 0 otherwise |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_add_or_shift_mode | This signal is set high if the counter is adding or subtracting and is set 0 otherwise |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_global_en | CLB enable signal |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_event_load_val [31:0] | When an event occurs and the event action is configured to be 'load', this value is loaded to the counter |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_event | This signal is high when an event has occurred or is occurring |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_counter_reset | Reset for the counter submodule |
TILE#_COUNTER_X_clock | Clock signal of the CLB |
Trace Signal Name | Description |
TILE#_FSM_X_fsm_lut_output | Output for the FSM look-up table output equation |
TILE#_FSM_X_fsm_s1_output | Output for the FSM state 1 equation |
TILE#_FSM_X_fsm_s0_output | Output for the FSM state 0 equation |
TILE#_FSM_X_LUT_output_equation [15:0] | Value representing the FSM look-up table output equation |
TILE#_FSM_X_state1_equation_output [15:0] | Value representing the FSM state 1 equation |
TILE#_FSM_X_state0_equation_output [15:0] | Value representing the FSM state 0 equation |
TILE#_FSM_X_extra_external_input_select1 | Selects where the value of external input 3 (e3) is coming from; when high e3 is used, and when low state 1 (s1) is used |
TILE#_FSM_X_extra_external_input_select0 | Selects where the value of external input 2 (e2) is coming from; when high e2 is used, and when low state 0 (s0) is used |
TILE#_FSM_X_extra_external_input1 | Extra external input 1 (xe1) to the FSM submodule; the signal chosen as xe1 comes from within the CLB and can be used only in the look-up table output equation |
TILE#_FSM_X_extra_external_input0 | Extra external input 0 (xe0) to the FSM submodule; the signal chosen as xe0 comes from within the CLB and can be used only in the look-up table output equation |
TILE#_FSM_X_external_input1 | External input 1 (e1) to the FSM submodule; the signal chosen as e1 comes from within the CLB and can be used in the state 0, state 1, and look-up table output equations |
TILE#_FSM_X_external_input0 | External input 0 (e0) to the FSM submodule; the signal chosen as e0 comes from within the CLB and can be used in the state 0, state 1, and look-up table output equations |
TILE#_FSM_X_global_reset | Reset for the CLB |
TILE#_FSM_X_global_en | CLB enable signal |
TILE#_FSM_X_clock | Clock signal of the CLB |
Trace Signal Name | Description |
TILE#_HLC_spi_export_receive_buffer [15:0] | Representation of the data stored in a SPI RX buffer; this helps validate data exporting through the SPI buffer using the HLC submodule |
TILE#_HLC_fifo_overflow_signal | When high, this signal indicates a FIFO overflow has occurred (pushing when the FIFO is full) |
TILE#_HLC_fifo_underflow_signal | When high, this signal indicates a FIFO underflow has occurred (pulling when the FIFO is empty) |
TILE#_HLC_fifo_write_pointer [1:0] | Current value of the write pointer for the push FIFO (zero-indexed) |
TILE#_HLC_fifo_read_pointer [1:0] | Current value of the read pointer for the pull FIFO (zero-indexed) |
TILE#_HLC_push_fifo(Y) [31:0] | Represents the current values in the push FIFO |
TILE#_HLC_pull_fifo(Y) [31:0] | Represents the current values in the pull FIFO |
TILE#_HLC_program_current_instruction [11:0] | Signal which shows the opcode of the current instruction being executed by the HLC |
TILE#_HLC_register(Y) [31:0] | Represents the current values of the HLC registers R0 through R3 |
TILE#_HLC_program_interrupt_number [31:0] | Signal which indicates which interrupt has been triggered by the HLC; the default values is 0xFFFF, otherwise the value represents the interrupt value from the last 6 bits of the interrupt opcode |
TILE#_HLC_program_interrupt_flag | This signal is high when the current instruction being executed by the HLC is an interrupt |
TILE#_HLC_hlc_counterX_match2_load_en | Enable which goes high when the HLC is loading the corresponding counter match reference 2 value using the MOV_T2 instruction; this matches the appropriate TILE#_COUNTER_X_hlc_match2_load_en signal |
TILE#_HLC_hlc_counterX_match1_load_en | Enable which goes high when the HLC is loading the the corresponding counter match reference 1 value using the MOV_T1 instruction; this matches the appropriate TILE#_COUNTER_X_hlc_match1_load_en signal |
TILE#_HLC_hlc_counterX_load_en | Enable which goes high when the HLC is loading the the corresponding counter value using the MOV instruction; this matches the appropriate TILE#_COUNTER_X_hlc_counter_load_en signal |
TILE#_HLC_counter_hlc_load_value [31:0] | Counter value loaded to the match reference 1, match reference 2, or counter value depending on what instruction is being executed by the HLC; this matches the appropriate TILE#_COUNTER_X_hlc_counter_load_val signal |
TILE#_HLC_spi_export_enable | This signal indicates that data export via the SPI RX buffer is enabled |
TILE#_HLC_reconfig_pipeline_enable | This signal indicates that the reconfigurable pipeline mode is enabled (this affects both the counter and HLC submodules) |
TILE#_HLC_alternate_event_clb_async_output(N) | This set of signals represents the asynchronous output of the CLB which comes from the AOC submodules; this is one of the alternate events used for the HLC |
TILE#_HLC_alternate_event_clb_output(N) | This set of signals represents the output of the CLB, which comes from the OUTLUT submodules; this is one of the alternate events used for the HLC |
TILE#_HLC_hlc_event_trigger(31..0) | A set of signals representing the triggers for the HLC events; to find which event trigger corresponds to which HLC event trigger value, check the device technical reference manual (note that alternate events are not part of this set of signals) |
TILE#_HLC_alternate_event_input_selectY | This selection indicates whether the alternate set of events is used for the corresponding HLC event |
TILE#_HLC_spi_shift_value [4:0] | Value determining which 16 bits of the 32-bit R0 register are exported to the SPI RX buffer (i.e. a value of 1 selects bits 16:1 of the R0 register) |
TILE#_HLC_spi_event_trigger [4:0] | This signal determines which HLC event causes the data export to the SPI RX buffer (note that the event options are from the static switch block as described in the device technical reference manual) |
TILE#_HLC_programY_event_source [31:0] | This value indicates which event trigger is being used for the corresponding HLC event; i.e. a value of 1 for TILE#_HLC_program0_event_source (with the alternate event input select set to 0) uses counter 0 match reference 2 for the source of event 0, which triggers HLC program 0 |
TILE#_HLC_counterX_value [31:0] | Current value of the corresponding counter; this indicates what value is being used in the execution of HLC instructions with C0, C1, or C2 as operands |
TILE#_HLC_program_global_load_en | CLB enable signal |
TILE#_HLC_program_reset | Reset for the CLB |
TILE#_HLC_program_clock | Clock signal of the CLB |
Trace Signal Name | Description |
TILE#_LUT_X_output | Output for the look-up table submodule |
TILE#_LUT_X_output_equation [15:0] | Value representing the look-up table logic equation |
TILE#_LUT_X_inputY | Input for the look-up table submodule |
Trace Signal Name | Description |
TILE#_OUTLUT_N_output | Output for the output look-up table submodule |
TILE#_OUTLUT_N_output_equation [7:0] | Value representing the output look-up table logic equation |
TILE#_OUTLUT_N_inputX | Input for the look-up table submodule |