SPRUIR8B april 2020 – july 2023
Open the .syscfg file by double-clicking on the file name in the CCS Project Explorer Window. Expand the “Boundary” category by selecting it.
A separate input stimulus can be defined for each of the eight CLB inputs using the drop-down menus. Click on the down-arrow on the right to reveal the options:
The “Input Edge Detection Pulse” option offers the user the choice of generating a pulse from the rising and/or falling edges of the PWM wave whose period and duty are set as 10 and 5 CLB clock pulses, respectively, in Figure 3-17.
The "Input Pipeline Enable" check-box adds a single cycle delay to the input signal, which is used for synchronized signals which are routed to the CLB as inputs. Note that the pipeline filter is only available on certain CLB types. Check the CLB input mux section in the device-specific TRM for more details.
The “Input Clock Synchronization” check-box forces the input waveform to be synchronized to the CLB clock (the synchronizer creates a 2-3 cycle delay, so there appropriate check-boxes for both timings since the exact delay cannot be predicted). This option is necessary for signals which are coming from asynchronous sources relative to the CLB. For more information, see the CLB input mux section in the device-specific TRM.
The “Input Edge Detection Pulse”, "Input Pipeline Enable", and “Input Clock Synchronization” work the same as the Square Wave stimulus, with the addition of the custom waveform pseudo-code. The numeric parameter for the 'high', 'low', and 'rpt' instructions can be hexadecimal (0x1A) or decimal (26).
Instruction | Description |
#define | Pattern replacer used to define macros |
high(N) | Sets waveform high for 'N' CLB cylces |
low(N) | Sets waveform low for 'N' CLB cycles |
rpt(N) | Starts a repeat block; code encapsulated with rpt(N) and rpt_end will be repeated a total of 'N' times |
rpt_end | Denotes the end of a repeat block |