SPRUIX1B October 2022 – April 2024 TMS320F2800132 , TMS320F2800133 , TMS320F2800135 , TMS320F2800137
In many applications, an error from a set point or expected value must be computed from the digital output of an ADC conversion. In other cases, a bipolar signal is necessary or convenient for control calculations. The PPB can perform these functions automatically, reducing the sample to output latency and reducing software overhead.
Error calculation is accomplished by first pointing the ADCPPBxCONFIG.CONFIG to the desired SOC, then writing a value to the ADCPPBxOFFCAL.OFFREF register. The post-processing block automatically subtracts the value in the OFFREF register from the ADCRESULT value and stores the value in the ADCPPBxRESULT register. This subtraction produces a sign-extended 32-bit result. It is also possible to selectively invert the calculated value before storing in the ADCPPBxRESULT register by setting the TWOSCOMPEN bit in the ADCPPBxCONFIG register.