SPRUIX1B October 2022 – April 2024 TMS320F2800132 , TMS320F2800133 , TMS320F2800135 , TMS320F2800137
In slave mode (MASTER_SLAVE = 0), data shifts out on the SPISOMI pin and in on the SPISIMO pin. The SPICLK pin is used as the input for the serial shift clock, which is supplied from the external network master. The transfer rate is defined by this clock. The SPICLK input frequency can be no greater than the LSPCLK frequency divided by 4.
Data written to SPIDAT or SPITXBUF is transmitted to the network when appropriate edges of the SPICLK signal are received from the network master. A character written to the SPITXBUF register is copied to the SPIDAT register when all bits of the current character in SPIDAT have been shifted out. If no character was previously copied to SPIDAT, then any character written to SPITXBUF is immediately copied to SPIDAT. If a character was previously copied to SPIDAT, any data written to SPITXBUF is not copied to SPIDAT until the current character in SPIDAT has been shifted out. To receive data, the SPI waits for the network master to send the SPICLK signal and then shifts the data on the SPISIMO pin into SPIDAT. If data is to be transmitted by the slave simultaneously, and SPIDAT has not been previously loaded, the character must be written to SPITXBUF before the beginning of the SPICLK signal.
When the TALK bit is cleared, data transmission is disabled, and the output line (SPISOMI) is put into the high-impedance state. If this occurs while a transmission is active, the current character is completely transmitted even though SPISOMI is forced into the high-impedance state. This makes sure that the SPI is still able to receive incoming data correctly. This TALK bit allows many slave devices to be tied together on the network, but only one slave at a time is allowed to drive the SPISOMI line.
The SPISTE pin operates as the slave-select pin. An active-low signal on the SPISTE pin allows the slave SPI to transfer data to the serial data line; an inactive-high signal causes the slave SPI serial shift register to stop and the serial output pin to be put into the high-impedance state. This allows many slave devices to be tied together on the network, although only one slave device is selected at a time.
Figure 19-5 is a block diagram of the SPI in slave mode. The block diagram shows the basic control blocks available in SPI slave mode.