Two programmable reference 12-bit DACs (full CMPSS only; CMPSS_LITE instances are 12-bit with a lower effective resolution as described in the data manual)
One decrementing ramp generator (full CMPSS only; not available on CMPSS_LITE instances)
Two digital filters, max filter clock prescale = 216
Ability to synchronize submodules with EPWMSYNCPER
Ability to extend clear signal with EPWMBLANK
Ability to synchronize output with SYSCLK
Ability to latch output
Ability to invert output
Option to use hysteresis on the input
Option for negative input of comparator to be driven by an external signal or by the reference DAC
VDDA is the DAC reference voltage
Option to use the low comparator DAC output on an external pin (select instances only, mutually exclusive with use of compare functionality)