SPRUIX1B October 2022 – April 2024 TMS320F2800132 , TMS320F2800133 , TMS320F2800135 , TMS320F2800137
The ramp generator makes state changes on every rising edge of DACSOURCE, EPWMSYNCPER, EPWMSYNCPER_H, and COMPHSTS.
On the rising edge of DACSOURCE: RAMPHREFA, RAMPHSTEPVALA, and RAMPDLYA are loaded with the shadow registers. RAMPSTS is loaded with RAMPHREFS.
On the rising edge of the selected EPWMSYNCPER_H: RAMPHREFA, RAMPHSTEPVALA, and RAMPDLYA are loaded with the shadow registers. RAMPSTS is loaded with RAMPHREFS and starts decrementing when RAMPDLYA counter reaches zero.
On the rising edge of COMPHSTS with RAMPLOADSEL = 1: RAMPHREFA, RAMPxREFA, RAMPxSTEPVALA, and RAMPDLYA are loaded with the shadow registers. RAMPSTS is loaded with RAMPxREFS and stops decrementing.
On the rising edge of COMPHSTS with RAMPLOADSE = 0: RAMPSTS is loaded with RAMPHREFA and stops decrementing.
Additionally, if the value of RAMPSTS reaches zero, the RAMPSTS register remains static at zero until the next EPWMSYNCPER_H is received. These state changes are illustrated in the ramp generator block diagram in Figure 12-5.