The EVM supports four SPIs:
- Two main subsystem interfaces:
- MSS_SPIA is accessible through the
FTDI USB port (J10) via the FT4232HL UART USB bridge.
- MSS_SPIB is multiplexed out via the
TS3A5018RSVR multiplexor to either the PMIC and debug test pins (J16) or the 60 Pin
Debug Header (J7). The TS3A5018RSVR mutliplexor is driven by S2 which acts as a select
line. When set to 'PMIC_SPI' position, the MSS_SPIB interface is routed to the PMIC
and J16 header. When set to ‘DBG_SPI’, the MSS_SPIB interface is routed to the 60-pin
debug header (J7). The CS1 line of the MSS_SPIB interface bypasses the multiplexor and
is routed directly to the 60 Pin Debug Header.
- Two radar control subsystem
- RCSS_SPIA is routed to the HD front
end connector J1.
- RCSS_SPIB is routed to the HD front
end connector J11.