SPRUIY9B May 2021 – October 2023
The AM64x SoC has the following resets:
SoC_PORz signal is provided by ANDing the PGOOD signal of PMIC and JTAG emulator reset. MCU_PORz is provided by ANDing the CONN_MCU_PORz from MCU Connector, TEST_PORZn from Test Automation Connector and SoC_PORz.
MCU Domain warm reset (MCU_RESETz) and MCU Domain cold reset (MCU_PORz) of the SoC is achieved by CONN_MCU_RESETz and CONN_MCU_PORz respectively from the Safety Connector.
Upon Power on Reset, all peripheral devices connected to the main domain get reset by RESETSTATz along with a GPIO control as shown in Figure 4-7.