SPRUIZ1B July 2023 – August 2024 TMS320F28P650DH , TMS320F28P650DK , TMS320F28P650SH , TMS320F28P650SK , TMS320F28P659DH-Q1 , TMS320F28P659DK-Q1 , TMS320F28P659SH-Q1
Once DE mode is exited, DE mode can be delayed for a certain duration until reentry. This is accomplished by configuring the DECTL[REENTRYDLY] field. REENTRYDLY determines the window in which TRIP signals are prevented from setting the DEACTIVE flag. On a falling edge of DEACTIVE, an internal counter is loaded with the DECTL[REENTRYDLY] value. The counter is decremented on every EPWMxSYNCPER as long as the count value is greater than 0. While the count value is greater than 0, TRIP signals are blocked and DEACTIVE flag is not set even if TRIP events are active.
Figure 22-58 illustrates the circuit driving the EPWMxA/B signals from the DE block. As can be observed, when DEACTIVE flag is not set, EPWMxA_DE, EPWMxB_DE, EPWMxA_DE_NO_HR, and EPWMxB_DE_NO_HR are driven by EPWMA/B and EPWMA/B_DB_NO_HR respectfully. When DEACTIVE flag is set, EPWMA/B_DE are be driven by TRIPH, TRIPL, constant 0, or a constant 1 signal based on the configuration of the DEATCTL[PWMA], DEATCTL[PWMB], DEATCTL[TRIPSELA], DEATCTL[TRIPSELB] fields. When a PWMTRIP signal from the associated ePWM trips, EPWMA/B_DE are be driven by the input PWM signals configured through the DECTL[TRIPENABLE] field.
Figure 22-59 shows an example waveform, in which DEACTCTL[PWMA] is configured to select TripL as the source, DEACTCTL[PWMB] is configured to select TripH as the source and DEACTCTL[PWMAPOL] and DEACTCTL[PWMBPOL] are both 0.