SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
The GLBCE Core is an iridix® core which performs "dynamic range compression" or "tone mapping" on an input image based on a model of the human visual system. It is used in a camera pipeline to produce the most natural images under a wide range of capture conditions, typically by revealing shadow detail which would otherwise be under-exposed in high contrast situations. The purpose of the transform is to map the image content from an input source such that it remains fully visible on an output display without loss of content. Note that iridix is specifically designed to preserve color, sharpness and boost contrast of the source image.
The iridix core is based on space-variant or pixel-by-pixel processing algorithms which construct a family of transforms based on the analysis of image content. The algorithms inside iridix are adaptive, meaning that a single set of parameters can be set to process any source image or any video sequence under different lighting conditions.
Iridix generates effective tone curves by analyzing the regions surrounding each pixel. The tone curves generated by iridix are based on an asymmetry curve which is then shaped and controlled by a number of parameters that control the gain limitation weighting towards shadows, mid tones and highlights.