The POR module should be viewed as a transparent wrapper to the PRG / POKs
instantiated within except for the following points:
- The bandgap which supplies all
POKs is within the POR. The bandgap generates an untrimmed voltage / current
after MCU_PORz is released. In order to apply the device-specific trim to the
bandgap, the user must set CTRL_MMR_POR_CTRL[7]. TRIM_SEL. The bandgap requires a 100us settling
time (during which POK / PRG configuration may occur).
- The device-specific bandgap trim
is stored in CTRL_MMR_POR_BANDGAP_CTRL and it is recommended to not modify this
trim value.
- The threshold controls for the POKs within the POR are also enabled when
TRIM_SEL is set.
- As noted above, the PRG within the POR does not support ping-pong application of
thresholds; these POKs monitor a fixed threshold.