Various external clock inputs/outputs
are needed to drive the device. Summary of these input clock signals is as
- High frequency oscillators inputs
external main crystal interface pins connected to internal oscillator
which sources reference clock. Provides reference clock to PLLs within
MCU domain and MAIN domain. This high-frequency oscillator is used to
provide audio clock frequencies to MCASPs.
— external main crystal interface pins connected to internal oscillator
which sources reference clock. Provides reference clock to PLLs within
WKUP and MAIN domain.
- Low frequency digital input
Frequency 32k digital clock input, optionally sourced from an external
PMIC or other clock source. This SoC does not support a LFOSC crystal
- General purpose clock inputs
optional external System clock input (MCU domain).
- EXT_REFCLK1 — optional
external System clock input (MAIN domain).
- Peripheral clocks - refer to the
Signal Descriptions for peripheral specific clocks