SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
The Rx PSI-L Interface master may assert the rstrm_drop signal co-incident with the transfer of any data phase of a packet. When this signal is sampled asserted by the UDMA, the drop condition will be latched into a flag for that thread and the Third Party write unit will be notified that the packet is to be flushed and no further writes are to be performed. The drop signal is only required to be asserted with a single data phase and will only cause the current packet to be dropped from packet stream. The UDMA will drop all data given to it until the EOP is found on the thread and then the internal drop flag will be cleared. When the UDMA drops the packet on a channel that is in Third Party mode, a 'dropped by source' error code will be placed in the Transfer Response packet which is returned to the Packet Descriptor or completion queue.