The ADC has 9 internal events that can trigger an
interrupt to the processor. These events are logically or'ed together to produce a
single interrupt to the processor. The user can individually enable or disable each
interrupt source via the ADC_ENABLE_SET and ADC_ENABLE_CLR registers. Once an
interrupt is generated, the ADC_STATUS register can be read to determine which
interrupt source(s) interrupted the processor. The interrupt source(s) can be
cleared by writing a ‘1’ to the corresponding bit of the ADC_STATUS register.
The following interrupts are supported by the device ADC:
- An ENDOFEQUENCE interrupt is generated after the FSM sequencer completes the last enabled step.
interrupts. Each FIFO also has the ability to generate overrun and underflow
interrupts. The ADC does not recover from overrun or underflow conditions
automatically. Therefore, software will need to disable and re-enable the
ADC after this occurs. The FSM sequencer must be Idle before turning the ADC
module back on. This can be confirmed by reading the ADC_SEQUENCER_STAT
register, when FSM_BUSY = 0x0 and STEP_IDLE = 0x10000.
- FIFO0THRS and FIFO1THRS interrupts. Each FIFO has
the ability to generate an interrupt when the FIFO word count has reached a
programmable threshold value. The FIFO0THRS and FIFO1THRS interrupt is
generated when the value of NUMWDS in the respective ADC_FIFO0WC or
ADC_FIFO1WC register equals the word count threshold value programmed in
- OUTOFRANGE interrupt. This interrupt can be
enabled or disabled on each step. If enabled, the ADC data value is compared
to the low and high thresholds programmed in the global ADC_RANGE register.
The OUTOFRANGE interrupt is generated if the ADC data value is greater than
the value programmed in HIRANGE or less than the value programmed in
- AFE_EOC_MISSING interrupt. This interrupt is generated when the FSM sequencer does not receive an expected EOC from the AFE.