The Vision Pre-processing Accelerator (VPAC) provides a set of common vision primitive functions, performing various pixel data processing tasks, such as: color processing and enhancement, noise filtering, wide dynamic range (WDR) processing, lens distortion correction, pixel remap for de-warping, on-the-fly scale generation, on-the-fly pyramid generation, and offloads these common tasks from the main SoC processors (ARM, DSP, etc.). The VPAC includes the following processing and infrastructure sub-modules:
- Vision Imaging Sub-System (VISS) which provides raw data image processing such as:
- Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) merge
- Defect Pixel Correction (DPC)
- Lens Shading Correction (LSC)
- Global/Local Brightness and Contrast Enhancement (GLBCE)
- Advanced Spatial Noise Filter (NSF4V)
- Edge Enhancement (EE)
- Demosaicing
- Color conversion
- Lens Distortion Correction (LDC) block, which provides data reading from memory (DDR or on-chip) and applies perspective transformation as well as correction of lens distortion (including fisheye lenses).
- Multi-Scalar (MSC) block reads data from memory
(DDR or on-chip) to internal shared level 2 (SL2) memory and generates up to
10 scaled outputs from one or two inputs, with various scaling ratios.
- Noise Filter (NF) block reads data from memory (DDR or on-chip) to internal SL2 memory and does Bilateral filtering to remove noise.
- Hardware Thread Scheduler (HTS) provides inter-processor communication among various VPAC sub-modules (VISS, LDC, MSC and NF) as well as with the local DMA Engine (UTC).
- Internal Shared Level 2 (SL2) memory for data exchange across VPAC sub-modules (VISS, LDC, MSC and NF) and from DDR/MSMC, using the K3 Data Movement Architecture (DMA) mechanism
- Load/Store Engine (LSE) which performs data load and store tasks on a the SL2 memory for the hardware accelerator algorithm cores
- VISS to LDC direct OTF (On-the-Fly) for multi-camera
YUV422 10 and 12 bit format support on all units except NF (e.g.
Simultaneous visual (HV) and analytics (MV) output to system memory
including L3 flex connect, saving need for additional read from system
memory for HV+MV processing.
Chromatic Aberration Correction (CAC) to support lower cost lens
- RGBIR support