The VISS consist of following
hardware accelerators:
- RFE (RAW-FE): The RAW-FRONT HW Block does RAW pixel (e.g. Bayer, RCCC, RGBW
etc) processing on captured image data from sensor and pass-on to CAC,
NSF4V, GLBCE block, and then to Flexible ColorProc HW block for demosaicing
and color conversion.
- CAC (Chromatic Aberration Correction): Captured in this spec.
- NSF4V: Spatial Noise filter supporting generic 2x2 pixel format with 16-bit
pixel size. NSF4V IP can be bypassed in the applications where visual
enhancement is not desired.
- GLBCE: Iridix7 Ip of Apical is used for dynamic range control within image
for visual quality. Iridix Ip is integrated within GLBCE module to adapt its
interface with rest of image pipe and integrate its configuration registers.
If contrast enhancement on input image is required for visual quality
RFE/CAC/NSF4V output is processed by GLBCE block. Otherwise GLBCE is
bypassed to FCP.
- FCP (FLEXible COLOR PROCessing): The FLEX-COLOR-PROC HW receives data from
GLBCE and does demosaincing and color conversion. The output of COLOR-PROC
is sent to VPAC shared memory to be written into DDR for rest of vision
processing by programmable processors (e.g. DSP or ARM) or Vision HW Blocks
(e.g. VPAC and DMPAC).