Figure 12-185 shows the action-qualifier (AQ) submodule in the EPWM system. This submodule has the most important role in waveform construction and PWM generation. It decides which events are converted into various action types, thereby producing the required switched waveforms at the EPWMxA and EPWMxB outputs.
AQ module features:
- Qualifying and generating actions (set, clear, toggle) based on the following events:
- PRD_eq: Time-base counter equal to the period (TBCNT = TBPRD)
- CNT_zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCNT = 0000h)
- CMPA_eq: Time-base counter equal to the counter-compare A register (TBCNT = CMPA)
- CMPB_eq: Time-base counter equal to the counter-compare B register (TBCNT = CMPB)
- Managing priority when these events occur concurrently
- Providing independent control of events when the time-base counter is increasing and when it is decreasing