The Controller Area Network (MCAN) interface
supports both classic CAN and CAN FD (CAN with Flexible Data-Rate) specifications
and has the following main features:
- Conforms with CAN Protocol
version 2.0 part A, B and ISO 11898-1:2015
- Full CAN FD (up to 64 data
bytes) support
- SAE J1939 support
- AUTOSAR support
- Up to 32 dedicated transmit
buffers and 64 dedicated receive buffers
- Two configurable receive
FIFOs, up to 64 elements each
- Configurable transmit FIFO,
up to 32 elements
- Configurable transmit queue,
up to 32 elements
- Configurable transmit event
FIFO, up to 32 elements
- Up to 128 filter
- Maskable interrupts, two
interrupt lines
- Timestamp Counter