SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
The adjusted audio clock (ATCLK) outputs of the ATLSS may be selected to drive the AUDIO_EXT_REFCLK[1:0] pins to serve as the master clock of an audio dac, fed back to McASP AHCLKX/R inputs to drive AFSX/R and ACLKX/R dividers, or selected as McASP AUXX_CLK sources as illustrated below. See the clocking section for additional details.
The ATL subsystem includes internal muxes to choose 1 of 16 possible sources of AWS and BWS inputs for each of the four ATL instances. These internal muxes are controlled by the ATL module's ATLn_AWSMUX and ATLn_BWSMUX registers and are only used to select one AWS and one BWS source from atl_io_port_aws and atl_io_port_bws for each of ATL instance. Device level muxes are used to choose a word select source from up to 32 possible inputs for each.
The following table shows Baseband I2S word select (BWS) input sources for each of the 4 ATL modules in the ATL subsystem (n = 0-3):
Source Signal Name | Mode |
Source Signal Name | Mode |
0 | mcasp0_afsr_pad_in | McASP0 ASYNC | 16 | mcasp4_afsx_pad_in1 2 | McASP4 SYNC |
1 | mcasp1_afsr_pad_in | McASP1 ASYNC | 17 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
2 | mcasp2_afsr_pad_in | McASP2 ASYNC | 18 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
3 | mcasp3_afsr_pad_in | McASP3 ASYNC | 19 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
4 | mcasp4_afsr_pad_in(1) | McASP4 ASYNC | 20 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
5 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 21 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
6 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 22 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
7 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 23 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
8 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 24 | AUDIO_EXT_REFCLK0_IN | External Clock Source 0 |
9 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 25 | AUDIO_EXT_REFCLK1_IN | External Clock Source 1 |
10 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 26 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
11 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 27 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
12 | mcasp0_afsx_pad_in(2) | McASP0 SYNC | 28 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
13 | mcasp1_afsx_pad_in(2) | McASP1 SYNC | 29 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
14 | mcasp2_afsx_pad_in(2) | McASP2 SYNC | 30 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
15 | mcasp3_afsx_pad_in(2) | McASP3 SYNC | 31 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
The following table shows Audio I2S word select (AWS) input sources for each of the 4 ATL modules in the ATL subsystem (n = 0-3):
Source Signal Name | Mode |
Source Signal Name | Mode |
0 | mcasp0_afsx_pad_in | McASP0 ASYNC | 16 | mcasp4_afsx_pad_in1 | McASP4 SYNC |
1 | mcasp1_afsx_pad_in | McASP1 ASYNC | 17 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
2 | mcasp2_afsx_pad_in | McASP2 ASYNC | 18 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
3 | mcasp3_afsx_pad_in | McASP3 ASYNC | 19 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
4 | mcasp4_afsx_pad_in(1) | McASP4 ASYNC | 20 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
5 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 21 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
6 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 22 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
7 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 23 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
8 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 24 | AUDIO_EXT_REFCLK0_IN | External Clock Source 0 |
9 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 25 | AUDIO_EXT_REFCLK1_IN | External Clock Source 1 |
10 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 26 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
11 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved | 27 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
12 | mcasp0_afsx_pad_in | McASP0 SYNC | 28 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
13 | mcasp1_afsx_pad_in | McASP1 SYNC | 29 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
14 | mcasp2_afsx_pad_in | McASP2 SYNC | 30 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |
15 | mcasp3_afsx_pad_in | McASP3 SYNC | 31 | tied 1'b0 | Reserved |