SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
A choice between two synchronization modes is made taking into account the frequency ratio and the stall periods that can be supported by the system, without impacting the global performance.
The posted mode selection applies only to registers that require synchronization on or from the timer clock domain. For write operation, the registers affected by posted and non-posted selection are TIMER_TCLR, TIMER_TLDR, TIMER_TCRR, TIMER_TTGR, TIMER_TMAR, TIMER_TPIR, TIMER_TNIR, TIMER_TCVR, TIMER_TOCR, and TIMER_TOWR. For read operation, the registers affected by this selection are: TIMER_TCRR, TIMER_TCAR1, TIMER_TCAR2, TIMER_TCVR, and TIMER_TOWR.
The interface clock domain synchronous registers TIMER_TIDR, TIMER_TIOCP_CFG, TIMER_IRQSTATUS, TIMER_IRQSTATUS_SET, TIMER_IRQWAKEEN, TIMER_TWPS, and TIMER_TSICR are not affected by posted and non-posted mode selection. The operation (read or write) is effective and acknowledged after one interface clock cycle from the command assertion.
The configuration of posted or non-posted mode can be changed (overwritten) by software by writing in TIMER_TSICR[2] POSTED bit. The TIMER_TSICR[3] READ_MODE defines how the read operation is performed when the module is configured in non-posted mode (see TIMER_TSICR). The following cases are possible: