SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
When the compare-enable register TIMER_TCLR[6] CE bit is set to 1, the timer value (the TIMER_TCRR[31-0] TIMER_COUNTER bit field) is continuously compared to the value held in the timer match register (TIMER_TMAR). The value of the TIMER_TMAR[31-0] COMPARE_VALUE bit field can be loaded at any time (timer counting or stopped). When the TIMER_TCRR and the TIMER_TMAR values match, an interrupt is issued, if the TIMER_IRQSTATUS_SET[0] MAT_EN_FLAG bit is set.
To prevent any unwanted interrupts due to reset value matching effect, write a compare value to the TIMER_TMAR before setting the TIMER_TCLR[6] CE bit.
The dedicated output pin (POTIMERPWM) can be programmed in the TIMER_TCLR[12] PT bit through the TIMER_TCLR[11-10] TRG bit field to generate one positive pulse (timer clock duration) or to invert the current value (toggle mode) when an overflow or a match occurs.