SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
In Figure 12-395, it shows the list of packets that can be part of a video stream and the associated register fields. In the four following figures (Figure 12-396, Figure 12-397, Figure 12-398, Figure 12-399), different video streams that can be generated are presented.
Red text - behaviour not possible.
Blue text - register fields used to specify the packet size.
The BLLP (Blanking – Low Power) periods allow the DPHY link to perform the following sequences:
This sequence is no longer specified in the MIPI spec Version 1.02.00 28-Jun-2010 but supported by the DSI-controller.
In the MIPI spec 1.02.00 June 2010, the line (VSE/HSA/HSE/BLLP) has been moved from VSA lines part to the VBP lines part. The sequence is the same but in the design the VSA lines has one more line and the VBP lines has one line less. This must be considered during the VSA and VBP register programming if the DSI MIPI spec 1.02.00 is used as reference.
burst_mode = sync_pulse_active = sync_pulse_horizontal = 0 - all spec versions.
burst_mode = 1 and sync_pulse_active = sync_pulse_horizontal = 0 - all spec versions.
Burst Mode operation requires the tx_byte_clk to be set to double the bit rate compared to the non-burst case. The calculations for the video parameters must then be increased to match the higher rate. The DPI FIFO must also be large enough to store at least half of the active line bytes before the output transmission begins otherwise it will underrun.