SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
After AUTO mode is selected MCRC Controller automatically generates a DMA request on channel 1. Around the same time the timer module also generates a DMA request on DMA channel 2. When the first incoming data pattern arrives at the MCRC_PSA_SIGREGL1/H1, the MCRC Controller will compress it. After some time, the DMA controller would update the CMCRC_CRC_REGL1/H1 with a pre-determined value matching the calculated signature for the first sector of 128 64-bit data patterns. After one sector of data patterns are compressed, the MCRC Controller generate a CRC fail interrupt if signature stored at the MCRC_PSA_SECSIGREGL1/H1 does not match the MCRC_CRC_REGL1/H1 Register. MCRC Controller generates a DMA request on DMA channel 1 when one sector of data patterns are compressed. This routine will continue until the entire 2 Mbytes are consumed. If the timeout counter reached zero before the entire 2 Mbytes are compressed, a timeout interrupt is generated. After 2Mbytes are transferred, the DMA can generate an interrupt to CPU. The entire operation will continue again when DMA responds to the DMA request from both the timer and MCRC Controller. The CRC is performed totally without any CPU intervention.