SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
While the error-location engine is busy processing one syndrome polynomial, further syndrome polynomials can be written. They are processed when the current processing completes.
The engine completes early when:
If the engine completes early, the associated error-location registers ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_0_i to ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_15_i (where i = 0 to 7) are not updated.
In all other cases, the engine goes through the entire error-location process. Each time an error location is found, it is logged in the associated ECC_ERROR_LOCATION bit field. The first error detected is logged in the ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_0_i[12-0] ECC_ERROR_LOCATION bit field; the second is logged in the ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_1_i[12-0] ECC_ERROR_LOCATION bit field, and so on.
Table 12-214 describes the ELM_LOCATION_STATUS_i value decoding.
ECC_CORRECTABLE Value | ECC_NB_ERRORS Value | Status | Number of Errors Detected | Action Required |
1 | 0 | OK | 0 | None |
1 | ≠ 0 | OK | ECC_NB_ERRORS | Correct the data buffer read based on the ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_0_i to ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_15_i results. |
0 | Any | Failed | Unknown | Software-dependent |